Water issues in Palestine


[Arab] and in the bottleneck of the [US] - Japan of the Middle East ...

Water issues in Palestine [Arab] and in the bottleneck of the [US] - or the Middle East peace diplomacy of Japan was How satisfied 0 years, the United States of playing cards administration, recognized officially and the capital of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, and expressed the intention of the cell currently transfer the US embassy, ​​located in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. On the other hand, the Palestinian government is a party, as well the Arab world is immediately rebound, the international community also expressed concern at once. As a result, the month and day of the United Nations General Assembly approved of Trump administration is violation of international law, was adopted by majority vote a resolution to not recognize the unilateral alteration of the present state of Jerusalem. Although there is no binding force in the General Assembly resolution, adopted favor countries, opposite countries, if you look at the vote difference of abstaining countries, isolation of the United States was clear.

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